Understanding Analytics Metrics

Whether publishing a simple article, a feed based site or a rich media ad unit, Storied Analytics presents a wide array of metrics to help reveal valuable insights about your audience and the performance of your content. Below is an outline of the standard metrics available in the dashboard.


Multiple Categories of Metrics

In this document we have combined metrics from both the standard site analytics dashboard as well as the ads/embeddables dashboard into one comprehensive list. Depending on the types of accounts you are provisioned for you may see one or both dashboards and, therefore, you may not see all of the categories listed below.

Traffic Metrics

Page Views
The number of times a particular page was viewed over a period
Unique Page Views
The number of times a particular page was viewed for the first time by a user
If a user is inactive for 30 minutes the subsequent page view will be counted as a unique view
Returning Page Views
Page views that are initiated prior to 30 minutes of inactivity following the first page view
Average Time on Page
The duration of a user visit divided by the number of page views over that visit
Bounce Rate
The number of visitors who left the site after a single page view
Grouping of activity following the initial page view of a visitor
Visits are reset after 30 minutes of inactivity
Unique Visits
The first visit to a site by a visitor
Returning Visits
Subsequent visits to a site by a visitor
Average Visit Duration
Average length of a visit to a particular site
Recirculation Rate
Percentage of visitors that continued to another page on the same domain as the site
Traffic Sources
Direct - traffic linked directly to the site from a non-browser based link such as email, sms or browser toolbar
Internal - traffic linked to the site from another page/site on the same domain.
Links - traffic linked to the site from a web page or site that is not on the same domain
Social - traffic originating from a social network
Search - traffic originating from a search engine
Bots - traffic originating from a well-known bot
Domain and URL of pages linking visitors to the site
URLs of pages that visitors exit from the page and link to
City, state and country where a visit originated

Impression Metrics

Number of times a particular embeddable or ad was viewed over a period
Number of visitors that viewed a particular embeddable or ad over a period
Number of impressions which resulted in a visitor engaging with the embeddable or ad
NOTE: Click throughs are excluded from this sum
Percentage of impressions which resulted in a click through
Top Placements
Listing of top placements based on impressions
City, state and country where a visit originated

Page Metrics

Listing of static pages contained visited on the site
Listing of feed based pages visited on the site
Total Shares
Sum of lifetime shares of a particular url irrespective of period across all networks
Shares by Network
Number of lifetime shares of a particular url irrespective of period per network
Scroll Depth
Percentage of the page that users scrolled to, measured at 10% intervals
Page and Post URLs
Listing of page and post urls that were visited over a period of time
Engagement by Page or Post
Sum of engagement metrics for a particular page or post over a period of time
Views and Visits by Page or Post
Sum of page views and visits for a particular page or post over a period of time
Entry Page
Number of visits that originated on the listed page

Placement Metrics

Listing of placements for a list of ads or embeddables over a period
Placement URLs
Listing of placement urls recorded for a particular placement
Top placement url is displayed.
Click url to see a comprehensive list
Listing of pages visited within an ad or embeddable over a period
Page URLs
Listing of page urls recorded for a particular page
Top page url is displayed.
Click url to see a comprehensive list
Sum of impressions for all placements over a period
Placement ID
The ID or short name assigned to the placement by the publisher or ad server
Sum of click throughs for a placement over a period

Engagement Metrics

Total Widget Actions
Total number widget interactions performed over a period
Video Completion Rate
Percentage of visitors who completed watching videos contained in the site
Total Video Plays
Total number of video play actions performed over a period
Video Quartiles
Total number of video plays that reach 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the video length
Average Play Percentage
The average of all video play depth metrics
Total Image Views
Sum of image open events over a period
Image Gallery Views
Sum of gallery open events over a period
Image Gallery View Depth
Depth of navigation of a listed gallery
Video Play Count
Sum of video play events over a period
Video Play Depth
Depth of playback of a listed video
Tab Group Views
Sum of automatic and user initiated advancement of a tab group by tab over a period

Conversion Metrics

Goals Achieved
Sum of completed goals over a period
Form Submissions
Sum of form submission over a period
Click Throughs
Sum of click throughs over a period
Listing of goals completed over a period
Listing of forms submitted over a period
Listing of click through events over a period
Event Sequence
Listing of distinct event sequences resulting in a completed goal or click through

Additional Metrics

Listing of browsers used to visit the site over a period
Listing of device types used to visit the site over a period
User Agent
Listing user agents encountered over a period
Appshell version
Listing of appshells used to publish the site over a period
Query Keys
Listing of query param keys encountered in urls used to access the site over a period
Query Values
Listing of query param values recorded for the query keys over a period



  • If there are metrics you're interested in that are not listed above please contact us.
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