How do you create a flip card

You can easily create a flipcard by using a carousel with 2 slides. In order to do that please:

1. Add a carousel with 2 slides and add a desired design to the front (slide 1) and back side (slide 2) of the flipcard.

2. Open carousel settings, toggle off headers and dots controls and toggle on arrows.

3. Set animation effect to Flip.

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You can easily create a flipcard by using a carousel with 2 slides. In order to do that please:

If you want to animate your flipcard on click please use the following settings:

1. Add a carousel with 2 slides and add a desired design to the front (slide 1) and back side (slide 2) of the flipcard.

2. Open carousel settings and toggle off all controls.

3. Set animation effect to Flip.

4. Add the following action to the slide 1 ( Event - Click; Target - Carousel; Event - Go to next slide).

5. Add similar action to the slide 2 (Event - Click; Target - Carousel; Event - Go to previous slide).

You can also do the same flip effect on hover by using Mouse Over Event (slide 1) and Mouse Out Event (slide 2) when adding actions.

Settings for the first slide
Settings for the second slide
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