What are Live Styles and how do I use them?

Live styles are text styles designed for your project. They allow you to preserve your typeface, size, color, and other properties for the project. Any modifications made to the font style will automatically be applied globally throughout your project, thereby enhancing efficiency and saving time.

You can access Live Styles by clicking on the "T" icon on the left-hand toolbar

To create a Live Style, first highlight the text that has the desired properties, and then click on the blue plus sign next to the Live Styles heading.

We strongly recommend assigning a descriptive name to your style to facilitate future use by yourself or your colleagues.

Once the live style has been created, it can be easily applied to any text block by highlighting the text and clicking on the live style. To make changes to the style, select any text block that uses the style, make the desired adjustments, and while the text is still highlighted, navigate to the live style panel. Then, hover over the live style and select the "update" option. This will automatically update all text blocks in the current project with the new style.

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