Smart Image Widget

Smart images have several advantages compared to regular images. While both support focal points, smart images can also be expandable, have captions with title and description.

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To add a Smart Image:

  1. Click on the plus button at the left top corner and expand the Images section and select Smart Image from the list

  1. Once you choose the Smart Image widget, a temporary placeholder will be inserted onto your page.

  1. You now have the option to select an image for inclusion. You can choose from the images in the left panel (1) , which include unsplash stock images, previously uploaded project images, or images from other projects. Alternatively, you can also upload an image in the right panel (2) or paste a URL for an image (3).

  1. Choose your preferred zoom mode by turning the expandable setting on or off.

    Make sure that a specific area of the image remains visible on different screen sizes by setting a focal point.

    The title and description will be displayed at the bottom of the enlarged view.


  • Smart images will always take up the entire rectangle that you define and you're free to do so without the x/y scaling that regular images are limited to. Depending on how you size the image, some of it will be cropped, while keeping the focal point in view, but end users opening the image in fullscreen mode will always see the entire image.
  • Smart images allow you to add high resolution images but still have a fast page load, since the inline image will be a smaller preview image and the fullscreen image that is higher resolution is dynamically loaded when the images are opened.
  • Images have to be bigger than 1024 x 768 to be expandable
  • If you need to add alt text to images for accessibility add a title to the photo
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