Table Widget

The Table widget is a data structure that organizes information into rows and columns.

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  1. Click on the plus button at the left top corner
  2. Expand the Containers section and select the Table widget.

How to adjust the Table widget?

  1. Locate the Table Settings button with the gear icon in the properties panel on the right side. Click on it.

You can find all the available settings for the Table here.

Table Settings

  • Rows and Columns - these fields determine the number of rows and columns in your table.
  • Table Styles - these options allow you to switch the appearance of your table by selecting one of four default styles available. You can find the examples of these styles below.
  • Color - this field allows you to change the table colors.
  • Line Weight - this field allows you to adjust the line thickness.
  • Line Style - this field controls the line style. There are 3 default options available - Solid, Dotted, Dashed.
Colored borders
Colored header and borders
Colored header and cells, transparent borders
Colored header and cells, colored even rows

Table controls

You can move cells and rows within the table area by using the navigation arrows located at the top left corner of the row or cell.

Cell moving:

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Row moving:

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