Alignment & Distribution Tools

Alignment tools allow you to arrange elements on the page in relation to one another. Storied will determine your layer's alignment based on your specific selection.

  • Select one object or layer: Storied will align the element to its parent.
  • Select multiple elements: Storied will align elements in relation to each other, or in relation to their parent.

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The Alignment & Distribution panel is located at the top of the right side Properties Panel.

How to use Alignment & Distribution tool?

  1. Select desired elements
  2. Click on the preferred alignment or distribution option in the panel.

Alignment & Distribution options description (from left to right):

  • Align Bottom Edges: aligns the bottom edge of each selected layer to the bottommost layer's edge.
  • Align Horizontal Centers: aligns the horizontal center (middle) of each selected layer with the horizontal center of the combined selection bounds.
  • Align Top Edges: aligns the top edge of each selected layer to the topmost layer's edge.
  • Distribute Vertical Centers: distributes the vertical centers of the selected layers evenly across the selection.

  • Align Left Edges: aligns the left edge of each selected layer to the leftmost layer's edge.
  • Align Vertical Centers: aligns the vertical center (middle) of each selected layer with the vertical center of the combined selection bounds.
  • Align Right Edges: aligns the right edge of each selected layer to the rightmost layer's edge.
  • Distribute Horizontal Centers: distributes the horizontal centers of the selected layers evenly across the selection.
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