Waypoints don't show up in a preview

Waypoints are commonly used to alter the background of a page, section, or other type of container. It is important to note that if a background color or image has been applied to the area above the container that the waypoint is targeting, it may obscure the waypoint. Therefore, please ensure that the background is transparent.

Open the background tool
Set the background color to 0% opacity

In addition if you are using Storied to natively embed content on your external CMS page you'll want to make sure all containers between the Storied tag and the page body are transparent so you can see the waypoint if applied to the page background.

Another reason the waypoint might not be displaying is an incorrect container selection. Please ensure you are targeting the correct widget. To do this:

  1. Open Waypoints Settings

  1. Click on the target field

  1. Select the container where you want your waypoint to be placed and click Save

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