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Please make sure you don't have special characters in any links on your page. Some punctuation characters, such as dollar sign ( $ ) , question mark ( ? ), colon ( : ), and equals sign ( = ) etc. are reserved as delimiters in a URL. They are known as the reserved characters. To literally process these characters they need to be replaced:

Character URL Escape Codes String Literal Escape Code
SPACE %20 $20
< %3C $3C
> %3E $3E
# %23 $23
% %25 $25
+ %2B $2B
{ %7B $7B
} %7D $7D
| %7C $7C
\ %5C $5C
^ %5E $5E
~ %7E $7E
[ %5B $5B
] %5D $5D
%60 $60
; %3B $3B
/ %2F $2F
? %3F $3F
: %3A $3A
@ %40 $40
= %3D $3D
& %26 $26
$ %24 $24
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