Customizing the Preloader

Preloader styles can be adjusted to match brand and content preferences.

1. Open the preloader options menu located near the lower center of the project detail screen.

2. Logos can be added to the preloader by uploading a logo image. They must be smaller than 224x224 pixels in order to fit within the circle. The logos should also be optimized to minimize file size since they will need to load as quickly as possible

An optional background image can be added also. The image will appear behind the loader in a blurred low-res format to optimize for speed.The progress bar color can be changed by picking a color in the palette or providing in the hex value.

An optional background color overlay can also be added to the preloader. The overlay will appear on top of the background image to provide a tint over the image. The tint value can be adjusted using the opacity control in the palette.

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